Save $10 when you order the Hair Growth Active 2 Bottle Combo.
Remember: use the Non-styled formula when you do not use any other hair products. Your hair care for this formula should be wash and dry!
This special formula for non-styled hair helps protect the health of the hair throughout chemo treatment and supports future growth. The product is designed to keep the hair in a growth phase longer and encourages more follicles to develop within each follicular unit. It can increase the rate at which the hair grows by encouraging resting hairs to enter the growth phase. Twice daily is required and results may be seen in 3-4 weeks!
Note: Many post treatment drugs that are designed to alter hormone levels can also cause hair loss. Using Hair Growth Active in combination with these drugs may help reduce further hair loss and, in many cases, help the hair grow again.
An instruction card with come with the Hair Growth Active please follow the instructions and watch our video How to Apply Hair Growth Active under the Videos tab on the website for application help.